Bad Jews by Joshua Harmon is a sharp, dark comedy that dives into questions of cultural identity, tradition, and family loyalty. Set in New York, the story unfolds as a Jewish family gathers after their grandfather's funeral and becomes embroiled in a fierce argument over a family heirloom, each member clashing over their personal connection to heritage. With humor and raw honesty, Bad Jews examines how we define ourselves through our cultural legacy, exploring universal questions about belonging and the complexities of family bonds.
direction: Marcin Sławiński
text: Joshua Harmon
cast: Paweł Bernadowski, Anna Konieczna, Agata Śliwa, Krzysztof Satała
scenography, costumes: Maciej Chojnacki
a production by: The New Theater, Zabrze (PL)
photos: Paweł Janicki
20. 01. 2019 - The New Theater, Zabrze (PL)