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Dialogue of Tastes: The Lesson

Inspired by real stories, this play immerses the audience in the lives of Vietnamese immigrants living in Warsaw, examining themes of identity, adaptation, and the search for cultural and national belonging. The narrative follows Lan, a compelling Vietnamese woman navigating the intricacies of her dual heritage. Her journey acts as a microcosm of her generation, capturing the hopes, fears, and dreams of those who have left their homeland behind.


Set in a restaurant — a symbolic setting where cultures merge and clash — Lan’s recurring nightmare serves as a metaphor for the continual testing of her national identity. The Teacher, a dreamlike figure embodying oppressive social attitudes often encountered in Polish society, visits Lan, confronting her with the biases she faces.


The tragicomic Dialogue of Tastes: The Lesson bridges two distinct cultures, raising universal questions about acceptance and understanding. Created using verbatim theater techniques during a documentary theater course

at the Grotowski Institute in Wrocław, this work was recognized by the Polish Institute of Literature and selected for the 2023 Summer Literary Workshops.