On February 24, 2022, the world was forever changed when Russia launched its attack on Ukraine. The global community responded swiftly, imposing sanctions, launching missile strikes, and rallying behind Kyiv. Meanwhile, Russians themselves were fighting a different battle — opposing Putin's regime. But where were these Russian dissidents on that fateful day? What are they doing now in Poland, and will they ever have the chance to return to their homeland?
The protagonists of this documentary theater performance have bravely shared their stories, recounting how they endured that pivotal Fat Thursday in 2022, and revealing how they live in Poland today, continuing their fight against
the Russian regime.
creation: Paweł Bernadowski, Anastazja Charitonowa, Katarzyna Pilewska
text: Anastazja Charitonowa
cast: Paweł Bernadowski, Katarzyna Pilewska
production: Paweł Bernadowski
scenography : Żenia Zarubina
music: Alisa Prokofiewa
poster and graphics: Asya Tikho
light design: Filip Niżyński
photos: Tobiasz Papuczys
a production by: The Grotowski Institute, Wrocław (PL)
financial support: The Mieroszewski Centre, Warsaw (PL)
20. 06. 2024 - PIEKARNIA - Performing Arts Centre, Wrocław (PL)
Opening Performance of the 3rd Non-Fiction Theatre Festival 2024, Wrocław