This adaptation of Jan Kochanowski’s The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys vividly brings to life the tense, pre-war atmosphere in ancient Troy, exploring themes of honor, pride, and the tragic costs of diplomacy ignored.
The performance delves into the moral and emotional struggles of both sides, revealing the tension between personal desires and political obligations that fuel the conflict. Staying true to ancient theatrical tradition, all roles, including female characters, are portrayed by male actors, which reinforces the classical roots of the drama.
direction: Katarzyna Dudzic - Grabińska
text: Jan Kochanowski
cast: Paweł Bernadowski, Piotr Michalczuk, Jakub Mieszała, Jerzy Górski, Błażej Wójcik, Michał Skiba
music: Mateusz Winsław
scenography and costumes: Anna Adasiak
a production by: National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, faculty in Wrocław (PL)
photos: Tobiasz Papuczys
18. 06. 2018 - The Theater of National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, faculty in Wrocław (PL)